1What is a digital business card?
Digital business cards are more convenient and eco-friendly than traditional paper cards. They can be easily shared and updated, and can contain additional features such as clickable links, multimedia elements, and tracking analytics.
2Do this card work with my phone?
If you have a smartphone, the answer is almost certainly yes. All iPhones models XR and later (September 2018) and about 90% of Android phones have NFC enabled. Additionally, as a backup, all smartphones, both Apple and Android, have a built-in QR code scanner. Simply open up the camera and point it at the QR code located on the back of every Digital card. Click here for a complete list of compatible phones: https://digitalbusinesscard.pk
3What materials are Digital Business Cards made of?
Our Classic cards are made of premium plastic called PET. PET can be recycled up to eight times. The chip inside is made of various materials and usually lasts for at least a few years. We also offer Wood and Metal cards, which are made of responsibly sourced Birch or Sapele, and stainless steel, respectively.
4Can I order multiple Digital Business Cards?
Yes. Order as many cards as your heart desires.
5How do Digital Business Cards work?
Every Digital Business Cards has a chip inside that wirelessly sends your information to a phone. When you tap the card on a compatible phone, a contact field appears with all of your information automatically pre-populated. The owner of the phone just has to hit “save”. This type of contact information transfer is just one of four unique modes included with every Digital Business Card. (The above describes NFC compatibility. Every Digital Business Card also contains a QR code on the back to ensure compatibility with older smartphone devices that do not have NFC compatibility.
6Can I update the information on my Digital Business Card?
Yes. After we ship your card, you will receive an automated email with login instructions. In your account dashboard, you will be able to update your contact information whenever you’d like. Any changes you make are instantly applied to your card in real time.
7How do I ensure that my digital business card is professional and effective?
To ensure that your digital business card is professional and effective, make sure that it contains accurate and up-to-date information, has a clear and concise design, and is easy to share and access. You may also want to consider adding additional features such as multimedia elements or interactive elements to make your card stand out.